how very rich I am

side note: When did writing on my blog become so hard?? I’m finally got my hearts desire.. (a dotcom) and here I am complaining about writing on it.

I wonder if you can have a side note at the beginning. It doesn’t seem right. I don’t think that is proper grammar etiquette, but when have I ever impressed you with my grasp of the English language?? I write how I talk… slightly ignorant, but hopefully charming enough for you to over look my short fallings. (and Thank GOD for spell check, I spelled “grammar”, “ignorant” and “etiquette” wrong. Wow.)

We are house hunting. I say “we”, like it’s a collective thing, but in reality, it’s more of B looking at houses all the time and me saying Yay or Nay. We have a Realtor who is great, but we don’t really need one other than to let us in houses. Basically B does all the work because he is a man obsessed. We think we have found the place. It’s out of our budget *of course*. We are planning on making an offer sometime that is much lower than the asking price. It never huts to ask, right? I mean, how can we possibly find a house nice enough for us in our tiny income??

#@&!. I went to The Global Rich and entered what our last year’s tax return said we made. I am the 59,417,573 richest person in the world and I’m complaining. Doesn’t seem very rich, right? Enter your own. I am supposedly in the top 99% of richest people in the world living here in my parent’s basement and that is surreal to me. It seems everyone I know makes more than us, so knowing that frightens me even more.

I am a greedy person who often compares herself to other around her. I want materialistic things; I want to have better style and a nicer hair cut. I want a house and a car. I see these as “needs”. It is so humbling to see how much God has given me and how much I have to be grateful for. During this season of materialism, I really want to focus on being thankful- for real- for all the blessings in my life.

So, my question that I want you to respond to- even you my “I only read and never comment, tee-hee” people- is: What do you do this time of year to help others? Do you donate to Salvation Army? Serve at a soup kitchen? What do you do to ‘give back’? I want ideas, I want to be challenged to serve and grow. BRING IT ON.

I’m going to now go listen to Christmas Music and watch HGTV and pray for snow…

  • Laura

    We started a school wide food drive for our local food pantry and are in the process of collecting gently used clothes and toys for a clothing/toy swap in a couple of weeks.
    I get both of my children involved in community service. My 14yr old works at the food pantry and volunteers at the elementary school.

  • Katy

    Words of truth Heidi! And I’m definately going to show the website to David today bc we are feeling kinda down about being broke :(
    I will be praying about the house situation, I know that God will provide the perfect little cottage you’ve been dreaming of! A place for the little wee ones to rest their curly heads!
    On the service thing- David and I are handing out Thanksgiving meals to homeless people with our church next week. I kinda feel its the usual “easy” good feeling service project but our church really does need volunteers so I thought it would be neat. Being a non profit worker myself I know that donations at Christmastime are HUGE! Toys for Tots, Angel’s Attic, and buy everything the people list! Its probably the only gift their kiddos will get this year that is NEW and not from a thrift store. I know I have one client that put diapers on her Christmas wish list, sad but its what she needed/wanted. So diaper drives are always awesome! So there’s a start…:)

  • forex robot

    great post as usual .. thanks .. you just gave me a few more ideas to play with

  • Heidi

    Thanks for the replies and ideas! I think sometimes I want to make a more “global” difference, which isn’t bad, but sometimes at the cost of my local area which also has needs. I think sometimes I judge people here, even the poor people may have crappy food but they HAVE food and shelter (if they choose) and medical services. (the ER legally can’t turn anyone away). I think of kids dying of aids in Africa, or starvation in India. I overthink things sometimes, but still, I want to help those truly in need and sometimes it IS LOCAL. Thanks for reminding me!

  • Wendy Scaeffer

    Evelyn Miles is selling her NWA house…here is the link…

    Okay but to be honest I have no idea where Lowell is in relation to where you are! Haha! I only know about her house b/c she posted it on Facebook! And I know they are motivated to sell it! LOL

  • Nikki (Trexel) Moore

    This post really resonated with me…because I’ve been thinking about the same things lately. How really comfortable and easy we are, in our little apartment. People out there are hungry and cold….even in my town…and I’m wondering about whether I should use pine nuts or walnuts in my pesto sauce, or tuna or salmon in my sushi, and I’m thinking we need a different thickness of blanket on our queen sized bed, and a humidifier blah blah blah. It’s really kind of sickening.

    We’ve decided to start sponsoring a child. It hasn’t happened yet, but it’s going ‘through.’ Also I decided to give all my photography money til 2010 to a charity that rehabilitates women rescued from the sex trade in Nepal.

    Beyond that…we give money to our church, and they do a ton of charity/benevolence ministries.

    I really like your blog btw! I have read it before and dont’ comment, but I should. :)