side note: When did writing on my blog become so hard?? I’m finally got my hearts desire.. (a dotcom) and here I am complaining about writing on it.
I wonder if you can have a side note at the beginning. It doesn’t seem right. I don’t think that is proper grammar etiquette, but when have I ever impressed you with my grasp of the English language?? I write how I talk… slightly ignorant, but hopefully charming enough for you to over look my short fallings. (and Thank GOD for spell check, I spelled “grammar”, “ignorant” and “etiquette” wrong. Wow.)
We are house hunting. I say “we”, like it’s a collective thing, but in reality, it’s more of B looking at houses all the time and me saying Yay or Nay. We have a Realtor who is great, but we don’t really need one other than to let us in houses. Basically B does all the work because he is a man obsessed. We think we have found the place. It’s out of our budget *of course*. We are planning on making an offer sometime that is much lower than the asking price. It never huts to ask, right? I mean, how can we possibly find a house nice enough for us in our tiny income??
#@&!. I went to The Global Rich and entered what our last year’s tax return said we made. I am the 59,417,573 richest person in the world and I’m complaining. Doesn’t seem very rich, right? Enter your own. I am supposedly in the top 99% of richest people in the world living here in my parent’s basement and that is surreal to me. It seems everyone I know makes more than us, so knowing that frightens me even more.
I am a greedy person who often compares herself to other around her. I want materialistic things; I want to have better style and a nicer hair cut. I want a house and a car. I see these as “needs”. It is so humbling to see how much God has given me and how much I have to be grateful for. During this season of materialism, I really want to focus on being thankful- for real- for all the blessings in my life.
So, my question that I want you to respond to- even you my “I only read and never comment, tee-hee” people- is: What do you do this time of year to help others? Do you donate to Salvation Army? Serve at a soup kitchen? What do you do to ‘give back’? I want ideas, I want to be challenged to serve and grow. BRING IT ON.
I’m going to now go listen to Christmas Music and watch HGTV and pray for snow…