Guacamole Deviled {Pickled?!} Eggs


I’m not actually sure what I was thinking. :) (I swear I’m not pregnant!)

Lately I’ve been trying to come up with quick and easy recipes- it’s just too hot for me to cook right now and I’ve been eating the pre-cooked eggs that Great Day Farms makes and trying to re-create recipes that I’d typically have to boil eggs for.

I’ve been thinking about trying this particular recipe all summer and it started when I saw an amazing picture somewhere on the internets of pickled eggs- simply apple cider vinegar and beets from a can! I had to try it because the visuals were too tempting (Think Holiday Parties here in a few more months!) and I’ve never pickled anything. This is not really pickling in the traditional sense, but it served my “naturally dying” purposes just fine. :) Here is a good tutorial.

24 hours later I took out my now rose colored eggs, sliced them length wise and popped out the yolk. Here, another option would be to traditionally devil them with relish, mustard, mayo, etc- but instead I decided to try something from another image I saw online. HINT: If you don’t like the taste of vinegar, even subtly, you won’t like pickled eggs no matter how pretty they are.


Guacamole Deviled Eggs (pickling optional)

-1 Six pack Great Day Farms Hardboiled eggs (in the deli at Walmart)

-1  ripe avocado

-1 Tbsp chopped red or sweet vidella onion

-2 Tbsp finely minced tomato

-1 tsp jalepeno

-12 cilantro leaves, minced

-1 dash of salt

-1 dash chili powder

-2 dashes garlic salt

-squirt of lime


Slice eggs length wise and remove the yolks. Using 1/2 of the 6 eggs yolks, mash them together with a ripe avocado until creamy.  Then add onion, cilantro, tomato, garlic salt, chili powder and a tiny bit of jalepeno. I then added a splash of lime.


I scraped the guacamole mixture into a sandwich bag and snipped the end off to try to fill the eggs prettily. Well, it kind of worked, I probably should have minced a bit better! Regardless, it was done in NO time and I loved how it looked.


The pinky, purple with the brightness of the guacamole and white of the egg was perfect! I ate several of them and felt the best tasting ones were the ones with the most guacamole. Stay cool and enjoy your summer!


  • Heather Disarro

    Just TOO pretty Heidi! My hubby’s not a vinegar fan, which means MORE FOR ME! :)

  • Heidi

    ha ha! my hubs is the same way! I had some for dinner yesterday and the rest for lunch today. :)

  • Ellen

    Heidi or Sarea VBG? I was looking for a “kitchen” clue but nothing shot out at me. It says Sarea all over those eggs!!

  • Sarea Clark

    Alas, it was Heidi…I didn’t even get to TRY one! Hmph…

  • Sarea Clark

    I think they are beautiful too! I will either have to get Heidi to make me some more, or cave and make them myself!