From Florida to Colorado {Booze Based Fashion Philosophy}

So as many of you know David and I made a 2,180 mile move from Sarasota, Florida to Fort Collins, Colorado. As we near our one year anniversary of living here I have been reflecting on the changes, the challenges, opportunities, the friends we left behind and the new ones we’ve made. For those of you who have moved away from your home you understand the feelings I have. The initial feelings of fresh adventure, being the “new kid” in town, trying new food & exploring new places. The feelings of homesickness, of the friends who felt like family, to only leave them behind is incredibly painful. Then the feeling turns into a love, an affection for a place that now feels like home. I have to say one of the biggest challenges I’ve experienced is living in the exact opposite place than we did before. We went from sunny, humid, tropical beach environment to a high altitude desert with zero humidity, and giant mountains! We literally went from sea level to 5,003 feet!

Needless to say, it was a change. Naturally, one of the biggest changes is in clothing! In Florida you could almost wear the same wardrobe year round plus or minus some jackets. My two essential accessories were flip flops and sunglasses, and probably had 10 pairs of both!  My philosophy in Florida was- how can I wear the least bit of clothing possible without looking like a skank- and- what outfits can I wear to cover my sweat stains!! It was hot-ALL THE TIME. The winter was a refreshing break, the most beautiful time in Florida. But 90 percent of the year is hot. Not just hot but muggy, humid, frizzy haired, mosquito buzzing hot. I am not a huge fan of the heat but the trade off= the beach. The ocean. The most breathtaking sunsets and exotic wildlife. It was a tropical paradise.

Looking back, I think my clothing reflected the booze we drank! Seriously. Because of the heat we always drank refreshing, light & ice cold drinks. Margarita’s and Bud Light Lime were my two favorites. Crisp, lime, fresh and invigorating!  Therefore, our clothing reflected it= lightweight, bright & cool! Long maxi dresses, primarily strapless, shorts, t-shirts and HAIR UP whether twisted in a bun or held together by scarves. That was my Florida Fashion. Plus owning 20 bikini’s and some giant shades to cover from the sun. And oh the tan. How I miss my beautiful, sun soaked tan. That is the most essential fashion piece in Florida :)

Florida Collage

When David and I moved to Colorado we had no clue how the weather can drastically. It can go from 70 degrees and sunny to 30 degrees in minutes! We were caught completely unprepared on a camping trip in July on Long Draw. It was raining for a couple days so the temperature dropped thirty degrees and compounded with the fire ban on campsites we were actually scared for ourselves and our dogs! We never made that mistake again and did a complete overhaul on our clothing. Luckily, we moved in summer so sales were fantastic. We stocked up on Smart Wool Socks (essential), Keene’s, BOOTS, knitted hats- anything to cover and warm!

Like in Florida, our clothing in Colorado represents our favorite booze! It’s no wonder it’s referred to as the Napa Valley of Beer with 70 percent of Colorado’s craft beer coming from Fort Collins. New Belgium, Odell, Equinox, and of course, Fort Collins Brewery, are just a handful of the breweries that are producing inspired and delicious craft beer. My two favorites are New Belgium Brewing Company  and Odell Brewing Company. The craft beers are heavy yet crisp, some chocked full of hops, all different colors and full of flavor- Ales, IPA’s, Porter’s and Stouts. These are not beach beers. These beers fill you up and leave you satisfied. These beers are drank in unassuming ways. This is just like our clothing- heavy flannels, colorful scarves and warm chocolate colored boots. All comfortable apparel when drinking a pint of New Belgium’s Classic 1554.

One of my other favorite things about Fort Collins is the strong biking culture with miles of trails that can connect you from one side of the town to the other.  While drinking a New Belgium Fat Tire back in Florida I wondered what the deal was with the bike on the label. Seeing Fort Collins, it’s clear that it comes from the appreciation and love of biking. Residents bike more often than drive, and there are bikes everywhere. Even if you didn’t bring one on a trip, there is a Bicycle Library where you can borrow one to not miss out on the adventure. During the summer months when all you want to do is enjoy the outdoors your clothing naturally reflects the practicality of riding your bike. I’ll slip on some bike shorts or tights underneath my dress, shoes must be closed toed or Chaco’s, hair in a braid to fit under my bike helmet. So while I miss the margarita’s, I have to say the craft beers are for me. Regardless, my Booze Based Fashion Philosophy seems to work for me, and you’d be surprised how it represents your personal style. :)


 _To Be Filed

  • TheBusyNothings

    Love it Katy!