I don’t usually mess around with this Tom Foolery, but today I thought, why not?
Kathleen tagged me so here goes….
7 Random Facts About Me:
-One of my cat Rolo’s nick names is Angelina Jolie. I don’t know why, I think that I can make “Rolie” sound like “Jolie”, so Angelina was a natural addition to that.
-I dance to the beat of my own drum. No, literally. I catch myself bopping around and realize no one else hears the music. I also laugh at thoughts that I have. I’m hilarious.
-I have an insane gag reflex. I have learned to breathe without breathing through my nose. If I wanted to be bulimic, it would be as easy as inhaling when I was in a public restroom. No liking the smell of farts here! (ha ha ha Amy!)
-I eat water chestnuts and sweetened condensed milk straight from their respective cans.
-my cat Snickerdoodle sleeps in the sink every day. That really isn’t something about me. I’m running out of things to say and took a potty break and Snickerdoodle was in the sink again. I am getting used to using anti-bacterial gel and even bought the huge gallon sized one from Sam’s Club because I can’t ever wash my hands because Snickerdoodle is sleeping in the sink. Being that my bathroom sports a duel sink vanity, you could suggest that I use the other sink, but that one has a leak and so we keep a water bowl there so catch the water so the cats always have a fresh supply of water. So I didn’t want to contaminate it with hand soap.
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-I drink a lot of water.
BAM. Done. Freakin’ A, I tag Katy, Sol, Chim, Marietta… how many people was I suppose to tag??? I’ll throw on Sarah for the heck of it. DO IT PEOPLE, I DID!