well, I have started to write 2 posts but have been stopped b/c of the “tmi” (Too Much Information for those over 40) content they had. But I don’t care anymore, whatever, think of me as you will. So if you have been tempted by my last couple of blogs to try this amazing forced weight loss regime that I’m on, I’m here to tell you that IT DOESN’T WORK. Yes, sick and perverse as it is, until today I hadn’t really lost ANY weight at all. at ALL. that means, me eating progressively less and less food as every day went by didn’t matter, (eating less due in part to extreme nausea and aversion to all things liquid except water I’ve been having the last couple of days,). So, again I’ll sum it up: getting a screw in one jaw joint and being on a all liquid diet had not-until today- netted me any weight loss. That was the blog I was going to rant and write, but now it’s void b/c I’ve lost um, almost 10 lbs in 24 hours.
For those of you familiar with pain pills, you may remember a certain unpleasant side affect from them. Constipation. this is the tmi part if you were wondering. Literally yesterday, I was full of crap (the name of my deleted post). that would be 8 days if you want to know… so I did some googling research and was terrified, apparently after a week (according to one page) if you haven’t dropped a deuce, you can VOMIT it up!! Yes, the page said “vomit up one’s fecal matter”. I started taking double dosages of “stool softeners”. Boy I hate the word “stool” with a passion, it has to be one of the worst out there. baaaaaaaahhhh…. but nothing happened…. another day went by… nothing…. so last night in addition to the “stool softeners” I also took 2 laxatives. now, everything. I am scared to leave my house. My stomach is killing me and I feel disgusting, honsesty, I’m doing a colon cleanse after this whole deal is over and cleaning my insides OUT if this doesn’t do it for me. I literally thought I was going to DIE. I didn’t know anything about this sort of thing before hand, but now I feel like I’m somewhat of an expert. If you ever have certain “problems” and have questions, let me know, I just may be able to help.