I can care. #30daysofReal

My heart hurts. I can’t relate to the community in Ferguson and how they are hemorrhaging right now. I can’t relate. I WANT to but it feels disrespectful to think that I could understand what they feel without experiencing what they have gone through in their life.


I CAN listen. 

I CAN care.

This broken world has such sharp edges that rip apart families and communities. My mom always told me, “seek first to understand, THEN be understood” so I will keep trying to understand and keep living my life with open eyes and true empathy for others.

I want this world to be different, I want my sons to grow up in a world that is better and I want their friends to have a better world as well. Perhaps it’s the lack of answers that keeps me from wanting to post this but I think that the true confession of not knowing what to do is ok.

I can listen and I can care. 
