I was just on the phone with my sister Katy who is suppose to leave to study abroad in Cheng Du, China in 3 days. For those of you following the news, Cheng Du is where the massive earthquake hit and the latest story is that around 30,000 are dead. The program directors seem to be in denial, or stupid b/c then keep telling her everything is ok and the students won’t be affected. Yes, really. 30,000 dead bodies near by but the university is fully functional. They said the extent of the damage was “one cracked tile”. She lacks only this credit to have her degree and this is the second summer in a row that something major has happened right before she was to leave. Her heart is for the people and she can’t believe how cavalier the program is treating the loss of lives. The airports are closed there right now, China isn’t letting in relief workers in to help the thousands of refugees that are camping out in the streets and it looks as if Marshall law is in effect to keep rioting from happening. Please pray for the people there as they recover from this huge natural disaster and for Katy and David as they decide whether or not to go today.
David & Katy