my brain is a ticking time bomb

If there has been any sort of running theme in my life these last few months, it has to be insanity, vomit and poop. It's sad and pathetic in a way that my stability has been mostly in bodily excrement. Today, for examp, I've already cleaned up cat poop from my cat Snickerdoodle, who has toxic chemical waste poop that is worse than a rotting corpse stuffed in a port-a-potty over the summer, … [Read more...]

made up words of the worst variety and of my hot night out

I wasn't going to post this because it makes me look so stupid, but I figure you may need a laugh. I laughed at myself after I read this. It is possibly one of the most stupid posts I've ever allowed myself to post because I'm too proud. Man, this just shows how exhausted I am! enjoy!from the slightly deranged mind of a mommy with a very sick child who hasn't got out this week much. be … [Read more...]


google is freaking me out. I went out to a doctors appointment and when I came back my gmail background was a different color. Convinced that some devious person with a virus had come a-visiting, I quickly logged out. But now my Google home page looks different too. Grrrr. I don't like change!*******Bath water running, candles lit... sounds like a relaxing or romantic night, right? Not so much. … [Read more...]

so ya had a bad day?

First of all, click on the link, BAD DAY, to listen to while you read my post!so I just got clawed by my cat by trying to hold her over a toilet while she puked up a furball. I think she thought I was going to throw her in or something. I gave up, I picked up my rug (so I wouldn't have to throw ANOTHER rug away) and locked her in there on the tile. Let her do her worst!!! I'm trying to hold back … [Read more...]