super yay!

Now I know I've not wowed you as a music critic, but I just have to say how deeply excited that Gavin DeGraw, Coldplay and Death Cab all have albums out this month!!!!! … [Read more...]

A confession

This is a deep, dark secret so don't tell...I like Miley Cyrus's song, "see you again". This is horrible. This is against all logic and taste I thought I had and I'm ashamed. The poppie beat and elecronic beats are just addicting. … [Read more...]

chandelier (w/ Pic!)

Today I was helping my sister-in-law Harmony get some things unpacked and put away, (I was very helpful sitting in my chair telling them where to hang things,) and I spied a brassy, tacky chandelier that was probably the height of style in 1992 that Harmony was about to throw away. Oddly enough I had forgot about it, I had given it to her some months ago when my sister Katy brought it over to my … [Read more...]

Summit’s 1 year old pictures that were taken 2 weeks early so technically they aren’t "1 year OLD" pics, they are "1 year" pics I felt it was ok

I didn't want "marijuana" to be the first thing that everyone saw when they went to my page and conveiently I had some pics taken of Summit today so here ya go. Now, I have to say today didn't go... ahhh... as perfectly as I wanted and thus I have a ton of pics with Summit not smiling his real smile and tons of serious ones. I did get a couple of good ones and so I'm sharing a smattering of the … [Read more...]