What I’m listening to today:

Coldplay!Listen to the whole album ALL AT ONCE WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS if possible. Beautiful. Listening to them is like drinking the sweet, sweet nectar of the gods... but, hey, that's just my opinion! Have a listen to Coldplay's Viva la Vida, their cover song from their new album Right Here. *New and Improved with the video and not just the song!* … [Read more...]

A week (Pics!)

Summit getting excited about Maddie's wedding!Katy and I being... ourselves!Summit's silly smiles! He is such a cheeseball. I didn't know babies could be funny. Really. He does this smile to make us laugh. Loving his PawPaw!!!Birthday revisited! I saved some cake for Summit to make a mess in for Auntie KK when she was here last week! … [Read more...]

Vivaldi sand art

I was almost hypnotized watching these clips! I have been blogging so much about Vivaldi that I wanted you to hear the music in my mind as well. These are actually videos of sand art being created to the music. Wow! I think there are boobies in "Autumn", but I can't remember anything else inappropriate. This is the closest thing I'm getting to the beach this year! ...she says with a twinge of … [Read more...]


These are some pics of where we went on our honeymoon, aren't they beautiful? I have been nostalgic lately and felt like finding pictures of the beautiful lakes. The natural color of the lakes is this intense blue, the minerals from the melted glaciers feeding them give them that color. I think if I didn't believe in the Father, I would worship nature. As it is, I worship him for his nature, the … [Read more...]