My favorite part in Jurassic Park is when the camera focuses on a giant T-Rex foot print and the water pooling in it starts to shake a little. The silence that falls as the characters look in horror at the rippling water, knowing what is heading their way fills me with the same terror and suspense as well. Tonight I was determined to take a bath, I have heard it's good for Braxton Hicks and … [Read more...]
It's random post time where I fill you in on all the random little things that have happened recently that didn't warrant a post on their own! ********** The other day I was talking to the only other little boy's mom I know that also has William's Syndrome and she told me that there are only 11 registered cases in the state!!! That seems strange to me, Williams occurs in about 1 in 7,000 so … [Read more...]
much ado… and french fries
I wish I could record my thoughts sometimes. I mentally write blogs in my head and think to myself, "wow, that is SO clever, you should put that in a blog!" and then respond back, "I know, right! That would be a killer blog!" then by the time I think to actually write down all of my cleverness it's gone, gone, gone. Today started in most of that same way, but I got to a computer, opened up a page … [Read more...]
I know her (Part 2)
"I knew her. I didn’t actually know her, know her, but the little girl who must have been about 5 or 6 was very familiar to me. She looked at me with curious eyes, I must have seemed strange even for a stranger, staring so intently into her open face. My heart hammered from the combination of sudden adrenaline and the caffeine I had just consumed. I wanted so badly to go over to the father … [Read more...]