things said over meatloaf


Do you ever have something that you need to say that is kind of negative in an otherwise positive conversation? For example:  You went over your clothing budget for the not only the month but the YEAR and you are trying to get up the nerve to tell your husband. "So, the boys did really well today at school. Timmy got an A on his math test and Billy scored a goal in soccer OH and (cough cough) … [Read more...]

and the $250 Wal-Mart Gift Card Giveaway Winner is…

Olivia Kemp! I am so excited that picked her not only because she someone I actually know in real life and told me "I've never won anything in MY LIFE!" but also because she lives locally so I can stalk visit her to see progress on her room transformaion and blog about it! Thanks so much to Glidden Paint and Wal-Mart for providing me with this fun opportunity to do such a great … [Read more...]

the roaring lion

It lies in the shadows and  bides its  time until, out of no where it  pounces and sinks it's teeth into my neck. I feel the wind rushing out of my lungs and my knees buckle. I crumple to the ground but I can't cry.  My heart is pounding out of my chest and my mouth is dry. Things change. People move on-  baby is born, a grandparent dies and children go away to college, suddenly cast as  … [Read more...]

The Belted Sweater Mystery


Today I'm washing my mattress cover, sheets and coverlet. No, surprisingly no one peed in my bed.  Bear decided to empty a trial sized bottle of mouth wash on my bed and although it did smell minty fresh, it left a big, wet looking spot even after it dried.  I can't make this stuff up. Having kids and babies changes your brain and your body; things that once were super annoying are just part of … [Read more...]