Yesterday was one of those days that I sat down in the living room with the tv on and didn't feel like moving again. Partly that is because by the time I find the remote I'm so exhausted from searching that I don't want to move again and partly because my two boys who don't get along at all have occasional negative interactions in the evening involving (but not limited t0) biting, kicking and … [Read more...]
Bridge to 10K
Blocked goals in the form of hamstrings and sinus infections. ***** I finished the Couch to 5K a few weeks ago and it was a hard fought journey. When I started it was hard to run 4 minutes straight! Just the idea of running a whole 9 minutes seemed so IMPOSSIBLE! I've realized that it's not just about being healthy or loosing weight though. Don't get me wrong, of course that is what started … [Read more...]
Pink is not a part of my life.
Pink is not a part of my life. ***** 5 years ago this month... I dreamed of fluffy tutu's, head swallowing bows and plastic jewels. I could see her sweet white blonde curls, large blue eyes, dressed up in princess costumes and tea parties with stuffed animals. I expected to be annoyed with little hands in my make- up drawer and feet tripping around the house in my heels. I … [Read more...]
The Sixth Week Hump (couch to 5K)
It's like Wednesday... only in Couch to 5K terms. So many people I know have started the couch to 5k with great intentions then got caught at either week 5 or 6. Like me. The flu kicked my face in last weekend and I laid on my back, frustrated over the fact that I was missing my work out and thus all of my forward momentum. Because that is how it is- if you stop working out it's like the wind … [Read more...]