{Country Living}….can be scary


In my pondering today, I am reminded why country living is appealing to me...I am a people person that likes being alone (sometimes). I have a few fears.  Not a lot, just a few, three actually. Unfortunately, I can't even post pictures of my fears because it would freak me out.  They are not what you would call 'normal fears'... To quote my wonderful SIL, "I have no respect for your fears, … [Read more...]

On the road to 27 dresses… is this real life?

gracie and jacob's wedding 5

  This was May of 2011 and it was one the most beautiful weddings that I have ever been in, in every aspect of the word.  It was in a beautiful location, there were great friends involved, Jacob and Gracie's  journey to this point had been one of great beauty, and still is.   I loved being a part of this and I have loved with all of my heart being a part of every wedding that I have … [Read more...]

Yes, really.

When I'm having a crazy horrid day I think to myself "this will make a good post for my blog and probably will make someone have a much better day after reading this because almost anyone is having a better day than me right now" and that thought keeps me going. Sadly enough. This is what has happened in the last 4 hours:Back story: So, I got up late today. Ben and I were up late cleaning and … [Read more...]

tales from the ‘ment…

-Crickets. Imagine Indiana Jones saying, "snakes, I hate SNAKES." and then exchange the word 'snake' for the word 'crickets' and you have a small idea of how I feel. I revert to a 3-year-old and point and freeze saying "Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben" and he knows that tone in my voice and come running with a paper towel. My knight! At night my house is overcome by a plague of crickets, pouring in all … [Read more...]