Friday VLOG goodness #2

Not number two like poop, more like in the sequential order of events, this is my second VLOG. (Even if it is kind of crappy.) It's basically a bunch of nothing. Enjoy!(oh, and to make it a little more real, I did it w/o make up and 3 day old hair. This is the REAL ME!) … [Read more...]

it’s raining, it’s pouring

My computer isn't working. I have wanted to post pictures of my loverly trip to Texas among others but Ben is in the process of getting new hard drives and programs among screws and plugs I'm assuming. It's all beyond me, I just know this isn't working well for me... and I totally got my upper braces today. It's official. I'm a huge dork. eeeeeee. I don't go out a lot, but recently I did both … [Read more...]


google is freaking me out. I went out to a doctors appointment and when I came back my gmail background was a different color. Convinced that some devious person with a virus had come a-visiting, I quickly logged out. But now my Google home page looks different too. Grrrr. I don't like change!*******Bath water running, candles lit... sounds like a relaxing or romantic night, right? Not so much. … [Read more...]

black eyes and busted lips

I fell of a wooden office chair last night and onto my face. My right shoulder seems hyper extended so somehow I slightly caught myself before plowing my face in the carpet. You know you're in a bad spot when you fall on your face, wonder if your neck or nose is broken but feel your jaw and think whatever else is wrong with thank you GOD that doesn't hurt. As it is, as I was laying there stunned … [Read more...]