My sweet family…


Today we went to have our family pictures made. It was a beautiful, clear fall day. The kind that makes your blood rush in excitement, the leaves were colorful and bright- even the ones on ground still retained their intensity that this fall has provided. The wind tousled our hair and the children, those darling little angles, were... screaming. Yes. In spite of all the magic around us, Bear … [Read more...]

Earning Bread

Lately I've wanted to post on a new DIY or craft-esque idea- but honestly I've not had the time or the energy to do anything. I think my ability to receive inspiration and have excitement has a lot to do with how things are going on in my life and lately everything has been different and a little difficult. Different isn't always bad- but usually when it's different things like hobbies take a … [Read more...]

It’s the kind of day that…


-you keep banging your elbows, hips and elbows on any available sharp edge. -you are glad you cooked a lot yesterday because if you have to turn on the stove you may loose your mind and set fire to your house. -you made coffee but it tasted horrible so the sluggish, comatose brain of someone with 3 hours of sleep persists although you actually got 9 for once. -you realize now, after 30 … [Read more...]

Reality is -sort of, not yet, but almost- my friend

Enjoy this, I'm going to Colorado for a week and don't know how often I'll be able to post! :)You know how the general tendency is to take something for granted until it's gone? I think it's a prevailing habit among all humans, regardless of race or gender. There are a few people, though, who seem to grasp living in today, relishing life, the banquet it can be. I try to be thankful for every day, … [Read more...]