I hate insurance companies. Are there any of you out there that know how to deal with them? seriously, I'll PAY you. now, let's see, we just found out that even though Summit's doctor is in-network, the surgery facility is out-of-network. What the blankidy blank?? I'm going to try to get an exception, do other stuff I don't know really how to do, and basically either decide to pay the extra … [Read more...]
Summit Medical Update
I guess I should follow up everything that happened with Summit recently with an update on him. I have got several e-mails, thanks for caring! Dr. Jackson e-mailed me the other day and told me that there was no need for the further tests the nurse said he may want to run which is a HUGE relief. So his heart is fine... onto eye surgery! If life could only be that simple for once! :)Because of his … [Read more...]
THE Eye Appointment #2
Thanks for your prayers! Summit's eye appt. yesterday was very encouraging, he does NOT have optic nerve damage as was thought possible previously. The patching is working extremely well, and we're going back in 3 more weeks to see what we'll do from there. Keep praying for a miracle that we won't have to have surgery! … [Read more...]
well, CRAP
I've been patching the wrong eye for 2 weeks!!!!! What a waste of time (and patches). I actually called to confirm which eye to patch but I got the nurse who didn't look at his chart apparently. His eye that doesn't look as bad is actually the one with more of a problem. I'm glad that Ben happened to talk to Dr. Brown today. On another note: Ben is picking Summit's cradle cap off his head right … [Read more...]