My last post was all about my return from lingering in the dark ages for a few weeks with out any internet access and the great return I would have in my writing journey following the grand internet restoration. Well... that return has proven it's self to be an epic fail. I have been racking my brain for weeks about things to write and the truth is that I just have nothing... I mean nothing. … [Read more...]
Full Core {An Exercise Nothings Story}
November 16, 2012 by · 6 Comments
Getting back into shape is hard, especially with it being colder outside and my body naturally requesting a second bowl of cheesy chili with Fritos... or Halloween Candy... and I could go on and on here. I love to eat and honestly feel like I'm hungry more often when it's colder. As I learn to eat less as I'm exercising regularly, a little help occasionally is a great thing and that's why I was … [Read more...]