Life with Boys: “F” Word

Life with boys

Some days are more emotionally taxing than others, some are more embarrassing than others and some days are more physically exhausting than others.  Today was the "more embarrassing" of the two as we decided to take Bug out to a birthday dinner. Since Bear's birthday comes first, usually celebrated by a fun breakfast and party at school, and we have the birthday party for the two boys in … [Read more...]

Not My Own.


How ironic, I thought briefly watching Bear fall through the air, banging against a metal bar with his face before falling on his head on the ground. Less than 2 hours ago I had been telling my friend that I believed in Chiropractic services and I wish that I could afford them again. When my 2 boys were babies I took each of them their first year and feel that is made a huge difference in their … [Read more...]

Beauty in the Mess


I'm always laughing. I'm always smiling. It's so funny really, perhaps it's the smiles and laughter of someone saying under their breath "if I wasn't laughing, I'd be crying" but for whatever reason I'm getting dozens of tiny little wrinkles around my perpetually crinkled eyes. At a doctor's appointment with the boys I was told by him, "I can always tell which families are happy ones, … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: “someone wanted outside”

I work Mondays. Ben sent me a text with this picture and the caption, "someone wanted outside". Happy Wednesday! … [Read more...]