GoodNites for Me!


As a lot of you know, Bear, 5 1/2,  had surgery almost 5 weeks ago. Something I didn't mention was that he has been in diapers pretty much ever since. It was on his intestines and so I knew from the doctor that he would probably have to wear a diaper for some time but ... 5 weeks now? I feel like I have 2 toddlers and with Bug, 2 1/2,  in the beginning stages of potty training, I really feel … [Read more...]

Time to say Goodbye… {Pacifier}


Election night marked Bug's first night's sleep without a pacifier. He is 2 1/2 this month and I've felt for a while that his addiction should be over but I never had the heart to just cold turkey take it from him. This is not how I planned on this happening... but sometimes the things you don't plan on end up being for the best. :) How it happened looked something like this: Me: "I'm … [Read more...]

preschool {freedom!}

genius. :)

I've decided to put Bug in full time preschool.  I imagine hearing a collective gasp from homeschool moms and my friends who stay at home with their toddlers. Because I feel that deep rooted mom guilt coupled with the "I'm not good enough" weight on my shoulders. Phrases like, "I should..." or "If I was a great mom I would..." bounce around in my head and I'm playing chase trying to capture … [Read more...]

Judgement & My Crazy Boys


The other day I was in Target and a woman felt like jumping into my life as I walked in the door with my 2 crazy boys. After frowning heavily at me and my friend I was shopping with, she obviously assumed we were lesbians and finished off her critical, verbal tirade looking at each of us with, "It's really not that hard to figure out what he [Bug] is trying to say." Implying me and my … [Read more...]