(the only quote worth mentioning from "Mr. Deeds")My new thing is being sneaky. Not sneaky-ness in a bad way, in a healthy way! Yes, my friends, I'm a recent convert of "the Sneaky Chef" and " Deceptively Delicious". I puree veggies into a gooey pulp then sneakily add them to almost everything. It's surprising how little I follow the cook books other than when I have a lot of time to cook from a … [Read more...]
Happies: the square, bathtime, our tree, a gate, first snow, (Pics!)
Ben’s 30th Birthday Part 2 (w/ video!)
So, as some of you may have read, Ben's 30th birthday was Friday. Instead of a huge bash with all our family and friends, Ben, Summit and I ate dinner together. I had planned on this birthday for years, people, and was going to have the hugest event EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.... but we didn't feel like celebrating. Mainly having to do with all the things going on in Summit's world that have … [Read more...]
I am a flem-ie mess, but I just don’t care
I don't know how to spell "flem" but I gots it. (flem that is) and I don't care, I want a bowl of ice cream tonight. Actually, a scoop. I'm so full of discipline these days. I don't care what the scale says tonight even though tomorrow I'll be po'd at myself. it tastes good. Quality ice cream is delish. and comforting. a comfort FOOD at last! as I'm hacking what sounds like a furr ball up tonight … [Read more...]