For those long-distance relationships (Video!)

We all have them. So, to the Katys, the Kylies, the Andys, and the Other Family that actually wants to see Summit videos, here they are finally!Mini-Ben.... in so many ways... loves his PS. (Postal Service for those of who have yet to pick up on a theme here)Ahhhh, The CAT toy! This is just for Katy!!! :)Pay no attention to my annoying voice please. Also, ignore the fact his socks clash with his … [Read more...]

simplistic epiphanies

I didn't know what Summit wanted a half hour ago. You moms are chuckling at this b/c it's frustrating when you want to help them and they just scream! I put him in his pack-n-play for his nap and 30 min. later he was still crying and quickly about to have a meltdown so I picked him up and put on the Postal Service. (always great in a pinch. I save them for emergencies) He immediately calmed down. … [Read more...]

Leggings, The First Haircut and a word from the Sponsor! (w/ Pics!)

As many of you may know, I am a sooo Euro. You know, living in Ukraine really made me cool. (The former USSR is completely underrated.) The whole not showering, eating bourche, not shaving ones' armpits, (wait-I do that) drinking pop without ice.... and leggings. Yes, leggings! The half pant/ half sock combo which was popular in our youth, although I was never cool enough to wear them myself. The … [Read more...]

A Second Helping… (Pics!)

Check out his face in this one! He looks terrified! … [Read more...]