Life With Nephews


I was given a great opportunity to bond with my nephews a few weeks ago while my brother and dear sister in law drove off into the sunset... the Colorado sunset... without me...(not bitter). Due to the fact that I am currently working just one day a week, I was able to watch the boys at their own home which was less stressful for everyone involved. You are familiar with these two munchkins, you … [Read more...]

GoodNites for Me!


As a lot of you know, Bear, 5 1/2,  had surgery almost 5 weeks ago. Something I didn't mention was that he has been in diapers pretty much ever since. It was on his intestines and so I knew from the doctor that he would probably have to wear a diaper for some time but ... 5 weeks now? I feel like I have 2 toddlers and with Bug, 2 1/2,  in the beginning stages of potty training, I really feel … [Read more...]

Something New


Yes, this post has a bit to do with ending, but mostly it's about something new. Life is really just a series of decisions, some good and some bad. I struggle making big decisions, I agonize and do pro and con lists until my brain is fuzzy and I lose focus on what actually I'm trying to decide. But this decision was pretty easy, although emotionally difficult. The fact is that Bear … [Read more...]

Beauty from Ashes

I've been musing, editing and weaving this blog post for months now. It's never seemed quite right and I've not been able to figure it out other than this is about Beauty from Ashes, something amazing coming from a place of darkness or death. It seems lately that most of the things I struggle with are brought to the surface, bringing to mind an obvious cliche of boiling impurities out of metals to … [Read more...]