Super Heroes & an Old Enemy


My boys. My crazy little bundles of energy every day amaze and challenge me. The other day someone said, "I hope I'm as cool as a mom as you are," and they meant it! ....and it left me (flattered, yes) confused. Me? Geez- I assume people read my Facebook and Twitter updates to either remind themselves why they don't really want kids deep down, or to make the other crazy moms feel like at least if … [Read more...]

Does Anyone Think Anymore?


The other day on my way to the gym (yes, shameless pat on the back here), I didn't turn my radio on.  That is not normal for me, I love music!  I just felt like thinking and I don't get a lot of time to do that.  I mean, I don't MAKE time to do that.  I am not talking about thinking about what's for dinner, my 'To Do List', or little things like that, but LIFE.  Then I started wondering...How … [Read more...]

On a Tuesday afternoon {#ThisIsMe Today}


I was at a Norman Rockwell exhibit over the weekend and a certain image of a confused artist staring at a blank canvas captured me. Paintbrushes cast aside and good luck charms dangling from the top to no avail, he sits scratching his head. Sometimes I feel like that on my blog. I sit down to write and stare at a blank page on the back end of my wordpress site and wonder what to say. I … [Read more...]

Beauty & the Heart


"Wife, mom, lover of BEAUTY." Reads one bio. "Wife to Ben, mom to 2 young boys, one with #specialneeds. I cook #glutenfree, enjoy creative fashion and chase God's BEAUTY where ever it takes me." Reads my Twitter profile. *************** Beauty is a way that God relates to me which permeates all areas of my life. It's not just fashion, it's not just nature, it's all the little ways that … [Read more...]