Pimped-Out Blog

Unfortunately, Xzibit isn't here to pimp out my blog OR my car. Not that it needs it- I think that it looks pretty darn awesome actually! If you have been following me for awhile you may have noticed that recently I've began to do some "sponsored" blog posts. I hope that this doens't bother you, in fact,  I've decided to make a list to tell you why this is a good thing for you, my loyal … [Read more...]


I caved in. Why not? If you haven't heard (don't feel bad, I only heard about it today too) there is this thing going around the internet called the "Accent Vlog". Basically it's a bunch of words and questions that really define where you are from regionally. It's fun. I've never linked up to other blogs before on a topic so I'm hoping to get some feedback and just have fun with this. I'm … [Read more...]

The Belted Sweater Mystery


Today I'm washing my mattress cover, sheets and coverlet. No, surprisingly no one peed in my bed.  Bear decided to empty a trial sized bottle of mouth wash on my bed and although it did smell minty fresh, it left a big, wet looking spot even after it dried.  I can't make this stuff up. Having kids and babies changes your brain and your body; things that once were super annoying are just part of … [Read more...]

3 days of mom(in)sanity

This is  a snippet of life- a diary if you will- from the last three days.  It *literally* has taken me 3 days to write this... :) Monday The mommy insanity is rising. I'm at the stage with Bear and Bug that I feel reactive to everything they do- they are into everything and constantly screeching about something. On top of that Bug is at this "I'm indestructible" stage where he'll walk off … [Read more...]