Be good 2 yourself: Simplifying & Downsizing :) Part 1


Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted on this subject! I am trying to get back on the schedule of publishing this article on Saturdays. Thanks for your patience!

So, I feel that I know a thing or two about downsizing now that I’m living in the ‘ment! I decided to share some of my hard won wisdom and tips about simplifying and downsizing. I’m laughing as a type because this isn’t really something I ever wanted to do per se, it was in some ways forced upon me! If you are able to simplify without it being forced on you, that is even better!

We all as Americans have a tendency towards excess, no matter what your social status or financial situation the pack rat syndrome isn’t discriminatory. First of all, having a friend help you is a key part so success, otherwise the Six Flags Over Texas shirt from ’93 can be too precious a memorabilia to get rid of. You know who I’m talking to! :)

-I think starting with the closet is the easiest because the things you need to get rid of are so much more obvious. Like any shirts with sewn in shoulder pads. Like jeans that come up to your bra and taper unflattering at your ankle. Like the mini-plaid skirt from ’96 that you wore with clunky Mary Janes and knee highs. Release it… and even those old bras and undies that you are cheap to throw away but will never wear. Clean ’em out. To a certain degree, style is not an age thing. If you haven’t worn in in 2-3 years you probably won’t. Get rid of it. Donate it to charity. A lot of places you can get a receipt for your donations and submit it with your taxes so it’s even financially advantageous! Same goes for all those shoes you keep around “just in case.” Let them go to shoe heaven. And for Pete’s sake don’t donate smelly, worn our shoes! Even the homeless have some dignity!

-Then next easy place to go is the bathroom. Hair products have an expiration date even if it’s not listed. If you are keeping a half empty bottle of moose just in case the schichked-back-wet-look comes back, I can guarantee the moose won’t be there for you. Throw away all products you don’t currently use. That goes for what is currently in your bathtub. You know what I’m talking about! those partially or mostly empty bottles that you just keep there for some reason and they have a fine collection of mold and mildew on the bottom of them that makes them slippery. Ew. That also included your medicine cabinet, clean it out. Go through the bags under the sink that have hair ties and bows and the old Mary Kay magenta eyeshadow that just may come back in style. Just because it’s a good brand doesn’t mean you should hang on to it if you aren’t using it. Go through every drawer, box, bag and you will feel so very refreshed afterwords.

-Now that you are an expert on throwing away AND giving away, tackle one room at a time. In the kitchen, it may be getting rid of 50 rags/dishtowels and keeping only what you actually need. Or spices or cups or tupperware. Each room gets easier and easier. A friend really does help, but if you aren’t able to have one with you, you must be firm with yourself to accomplish this goal! If you are on the fence about something, you should probably just get rid of it.

You may have noticed that I didn’t mention having a garage sale to get rid of stuff. If you are willing to, by all means, do that but I have noticed in my personal life that the expectation of an impending garage sale just collects more and more junk that never seems to diminish even after the garage sale. If you have a garage sale and what you are selling at the sale doesn’t sell, automatically take all of it to a donation site or a dumpster. The goal is to de-clutter and simplify, not make 50 cents extra. Good Luck!!!!

  • Jana

    Good advice! I think simplifying and downsizing makes you feel lighter and freer. And let's be honest, I don't think anyone I know wears 90% of what's in their closet.

    When I was backpacking in Italy, I discovered that you can get by with Pantene shampoo+conditioner-in-one as your only shower gear. It works for hair washing, body wash, shave gel, and washing your clothes in the sink to hang out to dry overnight. So Robert and I only have that in our shower. I can't stand for things in there to get moldy and slimy. *gag*

    P.S. That's cool that you rocked the plaid skirt/Doc Martins combo back in the day. We would have hung out.

  • David and Katy

    I have to say I'm dissapointed you got rid of the plaid skirt. we've had it for so long :( snif
    but I'm a packrat so what can i say?
    i agree that living overseas helps in realizing all the needless crapola we all think we need…I got by in China with ONE pair of jeans and t shirts. lovely