Wordless Wednesday- Laugh
Filed Under: Camp Barnabas, Camp Barnabas life, laughter, Sherry, Uncategorized, wordless wednesday · Tagged With: camp barnabas, Camp Barnabas Life, laughter, sherry, signs, words
Wordless Wednesday- Inspiration Point
Filed Under: Camp Barnabas, Camp Barnabas life, inspiration, Sherry, wordless wednesday · Tagged With: camp barnabas, Camp Barnabas Life, celebrating life, cross, honoring memory, life, sherry
Wordless Wednesday- Trusting to be led
Filed Under: Camp Barnabas, Camp Barnabas life, friends, Sherry, trust, wordless wednesday · Tagged With: camp barnabas, Camp Barnabas Life, sherry, trust
Campers arrive- the joy of being loved

On this day walking through the cabin filled woods you hear many sounds of camp; birds chirping, squirrels, an occasional dog bark, and the overwhelming shouts of volunteers and staff saying back and forth, " WE LOVE CAMPERS YES WE DO! WE LOVE CAMPERS HOW ABOUT YOU!?" Even though the last statement doesn't fit into the typical sounds of the woods, to me they are so vital to these particular … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Sherry · Tagged With: camp barnabas, giving back, sherry kettner, special needs camp