The World Wide Web Is So Amazing!!!


The title of this post seems like it should be something that I would be proclaiming in the early to mid 90's but here I am in 2012 saying hello to the internet and maybe appreciating this renewed introduction more than ever. I have mentioned before how I live in the country and how it sometimes feels that we are living in Africa in comparison to the rest of the world, well the past … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday- Family Bonds

Team prayer time together at the end of the week

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Dancing Trees


Lucy Pevensie: They're so still. Trumpkin: The trees? What did you expect? Lucy Pevensie: They used to dance. From Prince Caspian How often is this a picture of us... of me...? At moments we dance and then at others we are so still and stoic.  This quote has always been such a powerful statement to me. I recently re-read something that I had written several years ago and I was … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday- Love


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