a birthday brat


(This was written late last night- I have a rule, I never publish late, late at night until I've looked it over the next day, JUST IN CASE. HAH!) Some times my heart pounds in the moment, of feeling alive inside, like a veil is lifted and I can see MORE than just this life. I used to think that stars were just the pinholes in a giant velvety blackness, keeping the beauty of heaven hidden.  I … [Read more...]

Dining Room Makeover: AFTER


Quite honestly this is probably the most excited I've ever been about a post. I do a lot of before/afters but this really takes the cake. It's by far my most ambitious project I've undertaken and I've stretched myself  as a person... and also stretched Ben. :) To be fair, I warned him before we got into this that he'd have to be involved. I'm a team player and luckily we work well on projects … [Read more...]

Personal Ponies: Local News (with BEAR & BUG!)

http://youtu.be/nxhjN3r1Elk I'll be posting more about this and the amazing non-profit organization that Personal Ponies is soon- I just wanted to get this video out for family and friends wanting to see this! :) … [Read more...]


I caved in. Why not? If you haven't heard (don't feel bad, I only heard about it today too) there is this thing going around the internet called the "Accent Vlog". Basically it's a bunch of words and questions that really define where you are from regionally. It's fun. I've never linked up to other blogs before on a topic so I'm hoping to get some feedback and just have fun with this. I'm … [Read more...]