A Manly Meal: Grilled Venison


This is about the time of year that our men get all MANLY and start planning on killing Bambi in the woods and then proudly stuff our freezers full of the deer meat. Most women I know don't like the meat and usually the men do all the cooking of it. Like, Deer Meat Chili... a lot of it... and the woman politely tolerates it. Actually Ben doesn't hunt. He considers it every year but his … [Read more...]

A Win. and I’ll take it!


Do you ever have an accidental win as a parent? My example comes after a long, hard day- after about 15 other hard ones preceding. So- basically this month has sucked BUT that is NOT what this post is about. :) Today I got a win. Even if it was accidental. We have been going non-stop today. It's been hot and for some reason my all-natural deodorant has NOT been working lately and I felt … [Read more...]

College Tuition Scholarship- Dr. Pepper & Murphy USA


When I was in college, every little bit of money helped. I applied for scholarships in high school, got one, and worked part time to pay for books and food. I was super busy and once I was in college I didn't pursue scholarship options and I regret that now. Every year college students graduate with thousands, or tens of thousands, in debt. I'd encourage students to apply for as many … [Read more...]

salsa & margs

Dinner tonight- salsa & margaritas- usually out for a girl's night on Thursday's, was made at home and ate with Ben and the boys to save money. :) See- even broke I have a sense of humor. (the humor being the smiley face...) It's been a week now. Last week has sucked not been the best one. It's been like a weird, pseudo vacation or long weekend. I keep expecting Ben to leave and go to … [Read more...]