Twirling in Tube Socks


I can't dance. This is no surprise to anyone who knows me and my sister (who jumped in the air and her husband got this amazing picture)  is probably somewhere chuckling. Either I've really never been smooth on the dance floor (or anywhere else for that matter)  or the constant harassment of much more coordinated friends crushed my confidence in any ability I may have had. I tend to think that … [Read more...]

Life Now

As some of you may read, Ben is out of work right now, having lost his job the same week I got one. Despite the insanity, panic attacks and stress, I've begun to settle into whatever this transitional interim period is. It's weird with it's ups and downs and it's been an adventure to say the least. ...and I've noticed a crazy part of me is beginning to LOVE IT. I KNOW, I KNOW, after all my … [Read more...]

DIY: Acorn Centerpiece


Be the envy of every squirrel. I love easy, cheap centerpieces. You may be thinking, "weeeeell Heidi, it's the only choice you have, " and I'd respond, "Touche'... but how great that I'm poor or I'd've never thought of doing this!" I was having a stressful day recently, I was sitting at my computer and having blocked goal after blocked goal until I wanted to pull my hair out. The sweet … [Read more...]

Puzzles & Sandcastles


  First of all I hate puzzles. Maybe it's my IQ but really- do I want to spend my time trying to fit together cardboard pieces to create a picture? Ummmm NO! Contradicting myself however,  I DO love this one Postal Service song and long called Ben my puzzle piece before they came out with Such Great Heights, "And I have to speculate that God himself Did make us into corresponding … [Read more...]