Chewy Granola Bar recipe {Gluten-Free}


Sometimes when I cook I think Martha Stewart should come knocking on my door. I twirl around my kitchen, making deliciousness magically, pouring pre-measured bowls of ingredients like a pro and singing to the forest animals gathered at my windows.... Then other days my snotty-nosed, molar cutting 16-month-old clings to my leg, making walking impossible.  I  throw my Sunbutter into the … [Read more...]

DIY: Furniture To-Do’s

dresser before

Ben is laughing at me. I have pulled out three pieces on furniture from the garage and have been cleaning brushes, organizing and taking inventory. This is what I do- it's all or nothing! I'm so excited about my projects and am determined to get some things done while it is still nice outside. I am hoping to go ahead and sell most of these pieces at one of my friend's booth's at a local flea … [Read more...]

To Love Myself: Eating Disorders


For awhile now I'm been dreaming of starting my fashionista series about how to look as trendy and cute as possible while you are just BROKE.  I kept running into delay after delay and I finally realized that I needed to take a step back and try to get a look at what ELSE was going on. I'm being led to do something really uncomfortable again- I've known it for awhile but didn't really feel like … [Read more...]

Last Summer Storm

Here in the south we get the blazingly hot weather unexpectedly. It can be a frosty morning with a record high in the 90's by 3pm. I love the unpredictability of it all, I usually dress Bear wrong for school- shorts on the cool days and long-sleeves on the hot days. Tonight a cool front has moved it. We are suppose to get our first freeze soon and the air is teeming with the excitement of cool … [Read more...]