Floating, Soaring, Flying

So much of my life lately is in the unspoken. It's about being in the moment; aware, present and observing. Clearly though, with two young boys this isn't an ever present reality, it's more about seeing and relishing life around me instead of thinking of the next thing to do. Today I sat on the ground watching my boys and it was suddenly beautiful. I wanted to try to share the feeling of … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: A Day Late.

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I sit here in this moment and feel it. The back door is open and a cool breeze lazily moves inside, the birds are chirping and the boys are getting along, laughing, in this moment. The sky is happily overcast and everything feels so green and alive. The only light where I'm sitting is coming from the muted sky, everything feels rich. This very moment, I feel the perfection of it. The … [Read more...]

Outdoor Adventures: “More Adventure”


I used to think that my inlaws lived in the middle of no where. I still think that to a certain extent (mainly because they have no cell service) but after driving into what is REALLY the middle of no where I'm changing my opinion a bit. :) As Bear said on the drive home, "MORE ADVENTURE!" We left Bug napping up the hill and went down Ben's parents driveway, off a highway 6 miles from a tiny … [Read more...]