old-fashioned conversation vs. culturally relevant jargon

I'll be the first to admit this- I can be a bit slooooooow. I was slow to get Facebook, Twitter and Blogging- and really, really slow to get a Mac. Don't misunderstand that for laziness, I really didn't see the need for any of that until I HAD it and then the lightbulb went off above my head, the "ahhhh, now I get it." moment.  I suppose I can take this as far as conversationally I'm a bit … [Read more...]

Pizza Rice {Gluten Free Recipe}

Pizza Rice

I know, I know, it's like 100 degrees outside so the idea of making something hot just isn't very appealing, but this dish, like REAL pizza, is also good cold. :) I'll admit it. I'm a bit of a scrappy cook- I HATE wasting food and with the plethora of fresh garden goodness from my dear mother-in-law Bonnie I've been at a loss some days how to be clever with zucchini, squash and tomatoes. … [Read more...]

of Piña Coladas & Summer Reading {Give-Away!}

a delicious treat on a warm summer day....

UPDATE- The winner of the signed copy of Lela Davidson's book is... Terri Adamson!!! Woo-hoo! Send me your address to thebusynothings@gmail.com and I'll give your information to Lela Davidson to ship your book!  ********** It's been a hot summer. I remember optimistically chatting with a stranger in line somewhere (don't be surprised- I live in the south, we're friendly...) about how … [Read more...]

Life and then some

Running through the rain.

As I fought back a torrent of tears earlier I realized how little I really let myself feel these days. Sure, there's the anxiety attacks that creep up and then grab me from behind like a friend yelling, "guess who?" in a cheerily delightful voice, but I drown them out speaking truth. Some times take longer than others. I have a friend who is dying from anerexia and I haven't seen her in awhile. … [Read more...]