RIP Snickerdoodle {my cat, not the cookie}


I realize it's been a pretty epic bad week for my emotions about my dear cat slowly slipping from us - but I didn't realize how much it was affecting Bear and Bug until I heard Bug playing with his gray puppy- the one that looks just like my cat and said to me, blue eyes wide and  somber, "Puppy died." Earlier that week Bear unplugged my cell phone and it frustrated me quite a bit, "Stop … [Read more...]

GoodNites for Me!


As a lot of you know, Bear, 5 1/2,  had surgery almost 5 weeks ago. Something I didn't mention was that he has been in diapers pretty much ever since. It was on his intestines and so I knew from the doctor that he would probably have to wear a diaper for some time but ... 5 weeks now? I feel like I have 2 toddlers and with Bug, 2 1/2,  in the beginning stages of potty training, I really feel … [Read more...]

Full Core {An Exercise Nothings Story}

We were walking outside for an Adventure Walk (ie- me trying to keep them alive while walking in our neighborhood...) and the FedEx truck pulled up with the Full Core. That is Bug running to the truck- clearly the FedEx driver is more concerned than I was...

Getting back into shape is hard, especially with it being colder outside and my body naturally requesting a second bowl of cheesy chili with Fritos... or Halloween Candy... and I could go on and on here. I love to eat and honestly feel like I'm hungry more often when it's colder. As I learn to eat less as I'm exercising regularly, a little help occasionally is a great thing and that's why I was … [Read more...]

Canned Food Drive {November 15th, 16th & 17th}


The little things that we do for others count. I think that a lot of times I over think giving back or doing good for others. I feel like if I can't give big, then it doesn't matter- which is so wrong. Sometimes it's buying an extra box of cereal or some canned goods to donate- it's affordable, simple and done regularly, it MATTERS. When I heard that Tim and Jeff from Power 105.7 here in NW … [Read more...]