Top 8 Pre-Christmas Magical Moments

10. Sometimes it's has nothing to do with Christmas. I took the boys to a demolition site to watch a huge tractor thingie pick up piles of a building. They love it!

Some years are better than others: some Christmases are full of amazing presents and others are full of amazing memories. I don't think presents make the holiday at all but it's always fun to get your child that perfect gift that makes them light up.  This year, finances are pretty tight so it's gonna have to be all be about the memories. :) What memories are you making with your family this … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday: Visiting Santa for the first time

Visiting Santa!

PS. Bear was saying loudly in line "Santa not real!" which is hilarious because I've never told him that. Then he saw him and digested the fact he may, actually, be real. He started to (I think) imagine all the presents he could ask for while I took this picture. Right afterwords, he told Santa he wanted a "4-wheeler, tractor and pillows". PPS. Yes, Bug is wearing Spider-Man PJ's and camouflage … [Read more...]

Cold Seasoned Warmth


Some of the most beautiful weather this year has been in the last two months. The months that are usually cold, windy and dark have been filled with light, warmth and beauty. I love beauty. My soul craves it on a level beyond my comprehension. I love my boys. I don't think that I've ever enjoyed them more than I have these last few months. I love the post nap snuggles, their small hands … [Read more...]

Cypher Kids 3D Flashcards

Cypher Kids 3D cards arrive

My boys are crazy. Let me rephrase that, I have two adorable and highly energetic little boys. Bear is 5 and Bug is 2 but they sometimes seem like twins because of Bear's developmental delay and Bug being a bit advanced for his age.  For a long time I felt bad that Bear had developmental delays due to his having William's Syndrome but now it's something I'm used to and I wouldn't change a … [Read more...]