I just got back from Wal-Mart so Summit and I would have actual food and not the scraps I'd been feeding us. It was crazy! I don't know if people think we're going to be impacted by the Hurricanes in the gulf, but it was insane there. I can understand all the gas lines though, I heard it's suppose to be up to $5/gallon by tomorrow, so like a good American, I filled up my half-full tank. (see, I … [Read more...]
Medical Update (actually good news!) :)
the lady from Summit's eye doctor was misinformed about him NEVER OPERATING at another location. She was wrong about him being inflexible. She was wrong to tell me to "find another doctor because there was nothing they could do about it".Wrong can be so Right. Well, for me in this case anyways. His surgery is scheduled for a week from TODAY, next Tuesday. Cross your fingers, arms, toes, legs... or … [Read more...]
Won’t you be my neighbor?
I've been kind of melancholy lately, I even thought the word "melancholy" in my head in reference to how I felt so I must truly be that because only truly melancholy people use that word at all! (Now that I've said that in such a mocking way, it's doubtful that you believe me now, but it's seriously true!) It's not a ohmygodI'm28! kind of a deal, it's just the overwhelming lack of knowledge and … [Read more...]