er… tag

I don't usually mess around with this Tom Foolery, but today I thought, why not?Kathleen tagged me so here goes....7 Random Facts About Me: -One of my cat Rolo's nick names is Angelina Jolie. I don't know why, I think that I can make "Rolie" sound like "Jolie", so Angelina was a natural addition to that.-I dance to the beat of my own drum. No, literally. I catch myself bopping around and realize … [Read more...]

website of the day…

PhotoworksNot have the time to scrapbook all your children's precious moments? video: women cutting, pasting, placing photos and paper is everywhere, a huge mess. she looks up frizzy-haired and frustrated at the camera. "Is there any other way?" Well, now there is! log on to and upload your photos, edit them and place them in a professionally bound book all for loads less than you'd … [Read more...]

Just another manic Monday…

1:30 am. Yell at Ben for keeping me up so late watching 24. 8:15 am. Yell at Ben when he kindly gets me up in the morning. Apologize to Ben for my horrible attitude I have in the mornings, then remember to apologize for previous night. Get to therapy by 9 am... well, close. Look like crap. Very sweaty and hungry. Debate going to funeral of someone I knew, (but not that well). Decide not to go … [Read more...]

give me food? ask me my opinion? and get paid for this? Hot Dog! I’ve found my calling in life!

so recently I've been participating in focus groups, I've done a few before, but I guess the demand is up because I've been qualifying for more of these than I have in the past. I also do taste testing for the University occasionally, lately though all the available times have been not good for me, but they usually pay $20 for literally 10 minutes of my time! Anyways, the focus groups are cool, I … [Read more...]