and then there was light, out of the darkness

I started writing a blog in my head last night, I felt hopeless and frustrated with everything and everyone. I wished somehow that I may impart some great wisdom about going through trials. Perhaps that is just pride on my part. I want people to look at me and think "wow, she's got it together!", even though I totally don't. I was praying, hoping for a clean answer or just that he'd take away the … [Read more...]

hilarious review of the new ESV study Bible

Scandalous Sanity has received copies of the long awaited ESV Study Bible. We approached the newly formed ark of the covenant with consecrated hands, and revealed it's contents to the world.We discovered that the presence of God has been reboxed, BUT can now speak directly to you(just as he does John Piper, Tony Evans, Mark Driscoll and Joshua Harris) without the need to buy the aforementioned … [Read more...]

from Ukraine with Love, Part 4

Katy, Drew and I in the front. Alex, our best friend, is standing behind me, then next to him in the middle is Sasha, the dog tamer, and then Cola, his best friend.water. you turn on a faucet and clean drinkable water pours out. a normal chore for us was taking turns filling the water bottles. This entailed using a filter that we brought from the states to make the water there drinkable. It was … [Read more...]

somewhat senseless ramblings of my sleep-less brain

when I was young, I'd hold my breath and go under the water in a swimming pool in the summer. I'd turn over and look up at the surface, how the sunlight would come through the water and thought it was so beautiful. Today I sleep with 3 comforters on me, not so much for the heat, but I love the weight and also think this is beautiful. Winter is here. The cold, dead time of year and for once I … [Read more...]