I think my house may smell. I wouldn't know, though, because I seemed to have lost my sense of smell for the most part. Occasionally I'll get whiffs, usually smell returned during a dirty diaper change. how fortuitous. Because I can't really smell, food is a texture thing. Cheetos have been a nice companion. Their crispy, crunchiness is divine when the offspring is crying nonstop because his ears … [Read more...]
Flu, RSV, Earaches and the Ebola Virus
well, not the ebola virus...but it feels like it.We are contagious folks! If you see us on the sidewalk, cross to the other side of the street! Summit was tested for RSV and the Flu today and tested positive for both. He has an earache, a 9 on a scale of 10, and has had a fever for 9 days straight. I am miserable. He has a breathing treatment he's doing now and a new antibiotic to try to fix the … [Read more...]
just doing my civic responsibility officer
I feel very contribute-y right now. Like to society and such, saving lives, etc. I get why people want to become fire fighters and police persons, they want to make a difference. As I did this afternoon. I called the police for the first time today to report a stray dog. Now, before you get all "that was anti-climatic" on me, it was a full grown pitt bull that BARKED scarily at me when I kindly … [Read more...]
something I never thought I’d thank God for:
Gaither music. Yes, although it makes my ears bleed and my head slightly implode, I have to say honestly I'm thankful for them. Summit, bless him, loves the Gaithers. and Summit has been sick for a week. and Summit is getting whatever he wants that makes him happy and slightly less miserable. So his baby swing is inside for him to chill in and Gaither music is playing loudly in the foreground to … [Read more...]