The cat formerly known as Preggers, now referred fondly to as "mommy cat"’s kittens (Pics!)

Well, the title says it all folks.This is the first time we have let Summit interact with the kittens and he was completely smitten. that rhymed! He was so good and gentle and was super interested in them. When we took them away he threw a huge fit!! PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THEM! I NEED TO GET RID OFF ALL OF THEM THIS WEEK! I'm going out of town so "mommy cat" and her kittens have to go. I … [Read more...]

The Mother Letter Project

I'm sure some of you have seen my lovely new button on my side bar and have wondered to your self, "what is this mother letter stuff about anyways?" or perhaps you have even clicked on the button itself. The mother letter project was made by someone I go to church with and since I'll butcher it, here is his story in his own words. The StoryChristmas day of 2007 came and went. It was the typical … [Read more...]

Everybody Stand Up! BEN’S VERSION (Video!)

Judge us not.... well, go ahead, I know we are dorks! Ben came home and said he had a better song than the one I picked for Summit's Standing Up video. I have to kind of agree... he changed some other minor things and I decided to go ahead a re-post the new one even though it shows what HUGE DORKS we are! :) ha ha! Enjoy- … [Read more...]

Happies! (Pics!)

Daddy, toilet training, flying, snakes and cats... … [Read more...]