I am, like, totally a hippy!

I went to Ozark Natural Foods today after I dropped Summit off at therapy. I always get a rush when I go there, like I'm panning for gold in a stream sparkling with nuggets. I know that I'll find something there and that it will be good. I don't always know what to do with it at first (bulk section) but once I discover the health benefits, BAM, there I am. I can buy cheetos and chips without … [Read more...]


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Someone said something to me that made total sense today. Not that that doesn't happen frequently, I'm blown away by the depth of my friends and people that I meet, but today someone said something that kind of rocked my world. She said, "God has called you to suffer right now," and I was wasn't impressed with that. Yeah. Just look at my life! then she continued, "but you are fighting it, which is … [Read more...]

update on: Just doing my civic responsibility officier

I buttoned my green sweater, fixed my hair in a messy bun with a headband, slipped on my stylish flats and went to court with an air of irritation at my important time thus being so rudely interrupted. I was the Nelson 10 minutes early, (the paper said if I failed to appear that a warrant would be issued so I had to be careful,) and waited with a pained look in the courtroom. I patiently waited to … [Read more...]