my poopie day

Not "my" poopie day as in it's about my poop; more like CRAP happened today. It just happens that the CRAP is in regards to poop, just not mine- Summit's. If that CRAP can even be called poop, the liquefied, nasty-fied version that it was. So poop in the morning from my offspring, poop at the same time from the kiddo I was watching, and then some more poop from my offspring, but this time in the … [Read more...]

from the land of bluebonnets, cowboys and wide open spaces (Pics!)

Part 2Kerrville, TXIt was great spending time with my Grandparents! I hadn't been able to visit them in over a year and a half. They were very excited to see Summit again and Summit definitely was in "charm" mode. He was so well behaved that they didn't believe me when I said he thew fits. Well. I have videoed proof otherwise but that is another post. The weather was warm and we soaked up the … [Read more...]

From Ukraine with Love, Part 7

Alex was angry at us. "you can't name the puppies!" he yelled.Lucia, or Lucy, the scrappy stray dog, had her puppies, Rejick was faithful at her side but we all doubted he was actually the father. That had been rather traumatizing to see, all the dogs gathered around her, too interested in her suddenly one week. We were city kids, even in the small southern town in south Arkansas, we were still … [Read more...]

humble pie? yes please, I’ll have another!

You know the warnings at the beginning of a work out video? The whole "you could injure yourself" crap for the old people and super fatties? I know, that's harsh sounding, I'm a jerk, I'm not meaning to be mean, it's just what flashes in my head. Obviously the warning isn't meant for me. Super fabulous 28-year-old me in my prime of life and health and fitness!hmmm. my back disagrees with me. I … [Read more...]