OK, so if the Govt. legalized pot, would you smoke it just once to see what all the buzz was about. Yes. Pun intended. Yes or No and WHY. (Or just Yes or No if you are really busy...) … [Read more...]
Cultural Relativity
``Then,'' observed Elizabeth, ``you must comprehend a great deal in your idea of an accomplished women.''``Yes; I do comprehend a great deal in it.''``Oh! certainly,'' cried his faithful assistant, ``no one can be really esteemed accomplished, who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with. A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, … [Read more...]
a case of the MONdays
I looked outside in my back yard today and wondered where I have been. Every tree is now fully clothed in a canopy of leaves and coverings. There is deep, cool shade again in my yard, invoking thoughts of relaxation and peace. The wide branches dipped and swayed in step as if hearing some song my human ears couldn't hear. Wind moves through the leaves, whipping them to a frenzy and thousands of … [Read more...]
Be Good 2 Yourself: Quick Homemade Salsa
OK, this isn't some great GREAT recipe, but I love it, Ben loves it, Summit loves it and everyone that comes to our house loves it. Although it's lacking in a lot of homemadery, it's still amazing. I use regular ingredients right now, (as opposed to organic) because none of this stuff is really bad for you or has a lot of harmful chemicals. I have to pick and choose right now as my meager budget … [Read more...]