I'm sure you are asking yourself, "change?! but I'm so ingrained in my ways that I'm loathe to an alternative to what I've been doing for so many years!" Or maybe not. :) Basically, the following are ingredients in commonly bought items that are BAD for you. Stay away from them. The more research that I do into nutrition, the more certain I become that today's average American's health failing- … [Read more...]
Butterflies in the Sky!
I took these pictures while on my trip to Texas. I wish that I would have put my camera on the action setting, but I didn't because it was still new and I didn't know how to operate it very well. I saturated the pictures a little so you could see the individual butterflies better. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
Friday VLOG goodness #3
Warning, this is a SOAPBOX on Chiropractor care. I will probably insult someone so I'm sorry, but please don't watch it then if you are someone easily annoyed with my opinions! Because I have them in spades! :) Enjoy! … [Read more...]
oh-de-lally, oh-de-lally, golly what a day
So I did it.No, not sky diving- or Extasy despite what my previous post was about.I said the "stupid thing" to a mom with a child with problems. I was "that person".Oh how vexing to be on this side of the glass! and humbling! I was picking Summit up from mothers day out and went to the bathroom before I got him. In the bathroom I saw a child laying on the couch, all covered up with blankets and … [Read more...]