If there has been any sort of running theme in my life these last few months, it has to be insanity, vomit and poop. It's sad and pathetic in a way that my stability has been mostly in bodily excrement. Today, for examp, I've already cleaned up cat poop from my cat Snickerdoodle, who has toxic chemical waste poop that is worse than a rotting corpse stuffed in a port-a-potty over the summer, … [Read more...]
top 10 list of why Austin is the best town ever
I haven't the time to adequately post about my trip to Austin, TX on the week eve of my big move. and since I rarely deprive you, oh my readers, of a solid posting, I feel you won't hold this little deviation against me. So, here is the top ten reasons I love Austin and what made my trip awesome. 10. no child or husband. Although at first glance, you may be thinking, "oh how mean Heidi is to talk … [Read more...]
in general, mental instability among the crumbs and boxes
Oh, my friends. It has been a busy week. I have been cleaning, packing, organizing, and pulling my hair out. I think I have put too much mental stability in my house being non-filthy and disgusting. Every time I open my eyes, they are assaulted by disorganization, chaos and dirt. My heart hammers as I try to walk to my kitchen and trip over a box, then step in some cheerios from breakfast, gooey … [Read more...]