It's been awhile since I've posted some pics! Enjoy!eating dirt. Yeah, that is him gagging on it. we decided to teach him a lesson, but, ha ha the lesson is on us because he still does this every time he gets near a plant...Pictures from our old neighborhood, the last week or so we were there. This is about the kids in our neighborhood, Jack the child that usually wears unzipped super hero … [Read more...]
This week last year: Summer Storm
I was looking back through some old post of mine and decided to post my poem-ish thing I wrote this week last year. Enjoy!muggy summer twilight, tree frogs singing their evening lullabies, the surprising cool breeze of an approaching summer storm.the sky lights up like a summer fireworks show, a tango of lights curling and twirling in a seductive dance high above the earth. every tree is … [Read more...]
How to guide: becoming a Gaither Vocal Band Singer Person
This was written after hearing the Gaither dvd for the second time this morning. I mean this in a friendly bantering sort of way, not in a rude way. I really appreciate them because without them I'd never get a break. Just the fact that Summit love them so much makes me have a soft spot in my heart for them... to a certain extent. Skip this post if you don't like the playful mocking of rich, … [Read more...]
Be good 2 yourself: Simplifying & Downsizing :) Part 1
Simplifying. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted on this subject! I am trying to get back on the schedule of publishing this article on Saturdays. Thanks for your patience! So, I feel that I know a thing or two about downsizing now that I'm living in the 'ment! I decided to share some of my hard won wisdom and tips about simplifying and downsizing. I'm laughing as a type because this isn't … [Read more...]