Why trying on clothes with a child sucks:5. Hissing "Don't go under the door!" and frantically grabbing child's ankle to pull him back inside. (apology to startled lady in the next changing room may be uttered at this time.)4. "Don't OPEN the door!" and frantically trying to hold a shirt against your body and slam the door shut at the same time without smashing child's fingers. (Apology to … [Read more...]
Be good 2 yourself: vegetables or starch?
I have always heard growing up that potatoes and corn were "starches" and not "vegetables" so we rarely had them. I love both of those and just took my mom's word for it that they had little nutritional content. The other day I met a mother of two as she was picking up her children from a friends house. We were just chatting and she said how lucky I was that Summit ate so well as he crammed food … [Read more...]
Friday blog madness: Special! Tour of the ‘Ment!
5 MORE MONTHS!!! … [Read more...]
An apology for being somewhat of snob
I am a snob, I must confess. I am writing this in response to several several people that have sent me e-mails or seen me in person and ask, "well, haven't you seen the pictures on facebook?" or "haven't you read my most recent post on my blog?" So, I feel like I owe people an apology for my snobbiness and self absorbtion. :) This is for YOU _____________ (fill in the blank appropriately) I get on … [Read more...]