This is from about 5 months ago, so I find it slightly humorous that this is the first that I've heard of this. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Then I stumbled onto this blog whose thoughts completely captured how I felt. … [Read more...]
cat herding, wrangling and wrestling is not what I prefer to do when it is a million degrees outside (w/ Video!)
Today I have had a lot of time on my hands to waste here on the internet partially due to my child refusing to nap but laying happily in his crib for 2 hours, then taking a break, getting his diaper changed and then screaming indignantly when I put him back to bed. (he eventually fell asleep.) We missed OT today, my plans for afterwords were canceled so I was thinking to myself, "wouldn't it be … [Read more...]
"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" (Video!)
The guy finally came to cut down the dead tree that has been looming over our cars every day with its ominous branches just waiting to crush a hood or sun roof. He did a very good job and the whole process was entertaining to watch. Here is the clip of the tree actually falling. He really wanted to see the video so I uploaded it to youtube to share with him. Enjoy! (please ignore my really … [Read more...]
sunny days (Pics!)
Summit loves to swim. He doesn't love being forced to do things he doesn't want to do in swimming lessons, but in general he is happy in the water. He loves splashing, smiling in glee as the water droplets splash me in my face. Sometimes he is still as I hold him, relaxing in the weightless suspension of the water. He blows bubbles when I ask him to. He loves his bucket and scoop. He tolerates it … [Read more...]