The Royal Gorge Trip (Part 2 of 2)

Finally, after what felt like a frozen lifetime, the guides decided the other raft could continue and we were off again. We still had a huge portion of the trip left. As we got closer to the Royal Gorge bridge, the skies that had threatened us for so long gave in and started pouring on us. Icy raindrops chilled us further as soon the cold waves over the side of the raft felt like warm bath water … [Read more...]

The Royal Gorge Trip (Part 1 of 2)

I hadn’t been this cold in a long time. The wind whipped through the canyon walls and we huddled, shivering at the side of the river, waiting. I thought, ironically, of the first memory that came to mind of being this cold was skiing a few hours north of where we were on the Arkansas River. But six months later in the year. We were soaked to the bone, fingers numb and useless and beyond the … [Read more...]

An update (written on my new iPhone so it’s short and sweet)

Due to a number of circumstances out of my realm of control (i.e. Ben not sharing his laptop) and my own personal shortcomings (i.e. laziness) I have been lax in my blogging efforts. I have started on one and am excited to finally finish and publish it, if for no other reason than to get this freaking monkey off my back already! I will be traveling for the next few days, but never fear, do to the … [Read more...]

Reality is -sort of, not yet, but almost- my friend

Enjoy this, I'm going to Colorado for a week and don't know how often I'll be able to post! :)You know how the general tendency is to take something for granted until it's gone? I think it's a prevailing habit among all humans, regardless of race or gender. There are a few people, though, who seem to grasp living in today, relishing life, the banquet it can be. I try to be thankful for every day, … [Read more...]